Thursday, December 17, 2015

People Aren't Snowflakes

Impossible to truly measure, but they say that no two snowflakes are alike. I’m sure we’d all like to think that humans are just as unique. However, there are many different ways in which human personalities are classified into categories. Surprisingly it has taken me some time to post on one such a categorization with which I am obsessed – that is, the Myers-Briggs Personality Test (that leads to a description, you can take the test for free here, here, or here, or wherever else you find it).

According this test, people fit into either of 16 different personality types, which is determined by 4 ways in which we interact and observe the world and other humans. I have taken this test countless times, adjusting my answers and in different moods and it always comes back with the same result.  

Not only do I find the results accurate according to my actions and innermost thoughts, but also a good fit for the family and friends upon whom I have subjected my obsession and requested them to take the test as well.

The test is used in counseling, advising people on career paths, and even by certain companies for hiring purposes. Of course there are those who feel the test is not an accurate depiction of the human population. Others argue that while it has some merit we should not use the test to determine whether or not we can pursue a relationship with someone.

Personally, unless more detailed facts are provided proving otherwise - I will stand a firm proponent of the test. I do not plan on using it as a guide for whether or not I let someone into my life, but that seems to be occurring organically anyway. I have changed all the names for their privacy, but check out what I discovered about how all my friendships are distributed:

Beth – INFP (Gemini)
Deena – INFP (Gemini)
Ken – INFP (Taurus)
Ben – INFP (Capricorn)
Adam – ENFP (Cancer)
Will- ENFP (Aries)

Chris – INTP (Aries)
Beatrice – ENTP (Aquarius)

There are some other clusters with people whom I do consider friends, but we often clash:

Sally – ENFJ (Pisces)
Krishna – ESFJ (Aries)
Lilah – ISFJ (Gemini)

Notice I have also cross compared these with the zodiac, another popular, albeit less scientific way of viewing people. I haven’t noticed much of a pattern there with the exception that I seem to have no interaction with certain signs. 

With a few anomalies, I seem to gravitate towards who are “NFP.” Coincidence? I think not.

For anyone who is curious, I usually test as INTJ, with the few times I tested as INTP. According to my recent readings, the ideal combination for INTJs are ENFPs and ENTPs, for any type of relationship (Also, female INTJs only make up 2% of the population, so if you have thought I’m a bit weird - you’re right).

Whatever you feel about this, the test is fun and gets you thinking about how you see the world and interact with others in ways you may not have before, and helps you to realize that a person isn’t “wrong” about how they’re viewing things, just different - so go ahead and give it a whirl.


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  5. The 4-colour test (The Bridge Personality) provides insights into behavioral preferences using the easy and accessible 4-colour model (blue, red, yellow, and green).

  6. The KTestone personality test is a fun and engaging quiz that helps you discover your unique social personality type by answering a series of questions designed to reflect your character traits. It’s easy to take, with no right or wrong answers—just choose what feels most like you.

    The test consists of 30 questions that prompt you to choose the option that best resonates with your personality. Once you’ve completed the quiz, your answers are analyzed to reveal your distinct personality type, providing insights into your character and social behavior.
